Parish News – 23rd June

Our Parish Giving & Stewardship Campaign

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” – (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Over the last two weekends you have heard more about Stewardship and Planned Giving. We have asked all parishioners to reflect prayerfully on what they contribute to the parish, particularly given the message of stewardship and having considered the needs of the parish.

This weekend we ask that all parishioners complete a promise which will remain private and confidential. Please provide your full contact details and select the method of offertory giving best suited to you. If you pay UK income tax and have not previously done so, please sign the Gift Aid declaration (in one name only) so that the parish can claim 25p back from the government for every £1 that you donate, at no extra cost to yourself.

Please also let us know if you can offer your time and talents to help us in practical ways – St Peter’s has no paid workers and relies on the time and talents of volunteers to continue functioning. As well as the welcomers, readers, offertory collectors, musicians, singers, servers and eucharistic ministers you see every Sunday, we need people with other skills as well as time for sacramental catechesis, visiting the housebound, administration, safeguarding, bookkeeping, counting, publishing, communications and media, property maintenance, organising, cleaning, secretarial work, flower arranging – the list goes on. If you think you can help in any way please tell us.

Finally, we thank you for all that you already do for our parish. Without your continued support, this living church would not continue to be the spiritual centre it is today. Fr David

Memorare to St Joseph

Remember, O most pure spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, my great protector, Saint Joseph, that no one ever had recourse to your protection, or implored your aid without obtaining relief. Confiding therefore in your goodness, I come before you. Do not turn down my petitions, foster father of the Redeemer, but graciously receive them. Amen.

The coming General Election

With the UK general election due on Thursday, 4 July, politicians will be looking for our votes. We have a responsibility as Catholics to use our vote to make sure that parties commit to tackling issues such as poverty, injustice and human dignity. The Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales (CBCEW) offer a guide to issues for the election as do CAFOD together with the Saint Vincent de Paul Society (SVP). These sites provide information on a range of topics from a Catholic Christian perspective to help us ask key questions of local candidates and parties who need our votes. Please ensure you are registered to vote by 18 June and have suitable Photo ID, which you will need this year for the first time.

First Holy Communion

This year’s First Holy Communion Masses will be the 9:45 and 11:15am Masses on Sunday 30th June and 7th July. Please keep our children and their families in your prayers. Parents and Children will meet on the previous Saturdays, 29th June and 6th July at 11am in church to practice for the big day.


Sunday Masses are at 6:30pm (Saturday), 9:45am,  11:15am and 7pm.
Sunday Scripture readings
Notes on the Scripture readings
Normal Weekday Mass times (unless there is a funeral) are 9am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday after Morning Prayer at 8:45am.
7pm Mass Tuesday and, after mass, look at the different articles of the creed and aspects of our faith with Fr David in the presbytery.
Eucharistic Adoration: Wednesday and Friday after 9am Mass until 11am.
Rosary: Tuesday and Friday after 9am Mass.
Confession: The Sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession is available on Saturday evening from 6-6:20pm.
Family Room: This week’s activity reflects on Giving thanks for the gift of family.

Coming up

Life Ascending Group: Meets Tuesday 25th June, 10am in the Parish Rooms.
Thursdays Together: Thursday lunchtimes 11:30am – 1:30pm in the hall in Stapleton Hall Road (next to St Aidan’s School). Meet your neighbours and chat over light refreshments.
Community Soup Café: Enjoy a free bowl of homemade soup with bread every Monday, during term, From 11am – 2.30pm at Hornsey Vale Community Centre, Mayfield Road. Soup is served from 12 – 2pm.
Trinity Concert: of light classical music at Holy Trinity Church, Granville Road, N4 4EL on Sunday 30th June at 6pm. Music for orchestra and choir, including St Aidan’s School choir. In aid of St Aidan’s School. Tickets £10 on the door. Refreshments available afterwards. The concert should last just over an hour.
Holy Trinity Summer Fair: Saturday 6th July 11am-3pm, Holy Trinity Church Green, Granville Road, N4 4EL. Stalls, raffle, books, BBQ, bouncy castle, plants etc.
Pilgrimage to Walsingham: The annual diocesan pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham will take place on Saturday, 21st September. Further information will be available in due course.

June – month of the Sacred Heart

A prayer for the Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: O most Sacred Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore you, I love you, and with lively sorrow for my sins, I offer you this poor heart of mine. Make me humble, patient, pure and wholly obedient to your will. Grant, good Jesus, that I may live in you and for you. Amen.

St. Peter’s and St. Gildas’ Schools

Both schools recently had Ofsted Inspections. The report for St Gildas’ is now available on the Ofsted website and confirms our school is good. The Inspectors have captured the ethos of the school as a caring community where children feel part of a family. It praises the creative curriculum and the pace at which the school has made academic developments this academic year, highlighting the quality of relationships between staff and pupils and the high expectations that staff have. All staff have worked incredibly hard this year and should be delighted with this outcome. The report for St Peter’s is expected shortly. Frances Booker, Chair of Governors.

£££ Contactless payments – Gift Aid

If you wish to Gift Aid all your donations made using our new contactless system (rather than just a single donation) we would ask you to chose the Gift Aid option “I would like to Gift Aid this donation and all donations made to CATHOLIC CHURCH OF ST. PETER-IN-CHAINS from the date of this declaration.” Thank you.

Soup Run Update

At the moment we would appreciate donations of Instant Coffee. However, we are still Desperately Short of Drivers and risk the Soup Run sadly grinding to a halt. Please do consider offering your car services once in a while. Message Kit on 07507138582 or email

Pope Francis’ monthly prayer intention

Pope Francis’ monthly prayer intention this June is for “those fleeing their own countries.” The Pope’s video for June is a story about the borders in various parts of the world. In his video, the Pope reminds Christians that “whoever welcomes a migrant welcomes Christ,” and expresses how often this context is forgotten.

Musicians/Singers wanted

Music and singing are central to our celebration of mass, accompanied at our ‘sung’ Sunday services (9:45 and 11:15 Family Mass) by volunteer parishioners. Do you play an instrument? Can you hold a note? If so, please consider serving our parish community by volunteering your talent. No scheduled commitment is involved, and all abilities are warmly welcomed, with full support and encouragement from the existing team. If you can help, please talk to us after Mass or contact Fr David via the office.

Other News:

Celebrating the Gift of People with Disabilities: An event at Aylesford Priory on Sunday, 7 July, to value and celebrate creative people who experience disability. The day takes the theme Be a Prophet – Go tell everyone! Events will begin at 12 noon with a Welcome Service. All are invited to come and enjoy creative prayer in the chapels, a workshop, Books Beyond Words activities and to visit the Rosary Way. There will also be time to take part in an Edith Stein retreat, explore Aylesford Priory, enjoy a picnic and participate in art activities. The day will end with Mass celebrated by Bishop Paul Hendricks at 4 pm. Aylesford also has a tea room where food can be purchased. Aylesford Priory, The Friars, Aylesford, Kent ME20 7BX (use ME20 7BY for SATNAV).

St Michael’s Catholic Grammar: Parents and girls who are interested in taking the entrance tests for St Michael’s Catholic Grammar School are invited to visit the school for a guided tour on Tuesday 25 June between 5pm and 7pm.  Headteacher talks will be held at 5pm and 7pm in the Sports Hall. The online application to apply to sit the entrance tests for entry in September 2025 is now available.  The deadline for applications to be completed and Certificate of Catholic Practice provided to the School is 4pm on Tuesday 2nd July 2024.

Food Bank donations: As more and more people need to access food banks, we would ask anyone who is able to donate, when they can, to one of our local food banks. Contributions can be made to Holy Trinity Foodbank on Sundays between 1pm and 3:30pm. Please come to the Church Hall on Stapleton Hall Road, next to St Aidan’s School, N4 4RR, near the Albany Road junction.

Diocesan Pilgrimage Lourdes 2024 Registration for the Westminster diocesan pilgrimage led by Cardinal Vincent Nichols is now open via the application form or by contacting the Pilgrimage Office on 020 7798 9173. Very limited spaces to travel by plane are left.

The Universe Catholic Weekly The Universe Catholic Weekly gives Catholics the chance to read about this country and the world through the lens of their religion. Digital and printed editions are available to subscribers. Visit their website for more information.

Please pray for:

Those who are ill: Christian Overal, Antonio Neto, Zintra Sansom, Brenda Buzec, Amy Gordon, Annette Donivar, Caroline Hilton, Karin Summers, Graham Summers, Joan Summers, Helen Kozlowski, Don Brewis, Roman Cholij, Adeline Oyekoya, Mary Wallace, Sister Pia, Margaret Whelan, Kitty Madden, Brendan Whelan, Claire Marchand, Mike Coombes, Mira Lidstone, Gemma Francis, Richard Simon, Noah Purcell–Chandler, Nathalie Renford, Jackie Loivette, Michael Reid, Wendy Fairhurst, Ann Elizabeth Bennett, Joseph Lunn, Michael Hurley, Enid Samaru, Emilie Alcaraz, Ann Kozlowski-Hunt, Gabriel Brimacombe-Rand, Marie-Christine Polak, Frank Farrell, Peter Leung, Sr Ann Heaney, Elizabeth Herbert, Mr Anthony Mark Selvarajah, Elaine Benjamin, Emma Gordon, Lesley Pippet.

Those who have recently died: Kay Tracey,  Melvin Joseph Francis, Martin Mulligan RIP.