Education Sunday
Education Sunday is marked this year on 8 September – just after the new academic year starts. The theme for 2024 is, “He makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak”, taken from St Mark’s Gospel (7:31-37). Education Sunday is one of the oldest Days of Special Prayer in England and Wales, established 175 years ago in 1848. It provides an opportunity to celebrate and give thanks to all involved in making Catholic schools places of enlightenment, as well as to look forward in anticipation of the year ahead. Education Sunday reminds all members of the Catholic community of the importance of education to the Catholic mission. For us it is a day to celebrate and give thanks for everyone involved in our schools, St Peter’s and St Gildas’ just marked as ‘Good’ by Ofsted!
Secondary School Transfer Forms
Please see Fr David after mass for an appointment, bring along your school transfer forms, and any other forms you wish signed by the parish priest.
2024-2025 Parish Sacramental Programmes
First Communion: Parents of children in Year 3 or above wishing to make their first Holy Communion next year please collect a First Communion Form and return it to Fr David by October 1st.
Confirmation: Young people who are in Year 9 could they give Fr David their names and contact details after mass, so that he can make an initial assessment of the numbers who want to be confirmed this year.
Adult Faith Formation: Coming to Mass but not a Catholic? Thinking of becoming a Catholic? Catholic but not made your confirmation? Looking to know more about your faith? Please see Fr David after mass, or email him at the parish e mail, to learn about the upcoming program of faith formation for this year.
Sunday Masses are at 6:30pm (Saturday), 9:45am, 11:15am and 7pm. (Note: 7pm Mass on Sundays resumes 8 September)
Sunday Scripture readings
Notes on the Scripture readings
Normal Weekday Mass times (unless there is a funeral) are 9am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday after Morning Prayer at 8:45am.
Funeral Masses: Changes to Mass times e.g. for a funeral will be announced in church.
Continue reading Parish News – 8 September