Help us to build for our Parish’s future
Read about our building project.
Project funding
As you can see from our barometer in the porch we have a fundraising target of £250,000. Fr Sean has spoken to individual Parishioners to discuss whether they are willing to make a 5-year pledge, a one-off donation or an alternative financial commitment in addition to their normal, regular offertory donations. Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to discuss making a donation. If you wish to donate, please complete a pledge form, which allows you to Gift Aid your gift, and return it to the presbytery. Please note: if you set up a donation through your bank or online you will need to use ‘WRCDT Stroud Green’ (no hyphen) as the payee account name and ‘surname, first name BDF’ as your banking reference so we can identify it as being for the building fund. Thank you.
At September 2022, the total donated to the Building Fund is £170,000. This represents money banked. More has been pledged and we will receive a certain amount of Gift Aid on top.
Please continue to keep our Building Fund in mind if you are undertaking any fundraising activities.