Planned Giving and Gift Aid

‘Planned Giving’ means giving regularly either using Offertory Envelopes or by  Bankers Standing Order.

If you want a set of envelopes to make your offerings please email giving your name and address, including your postcode or, to set up a regular payment from your bank, you can download a Standing Order form.

If you sign a Gift Aid Declaration, you increase the value of your donations to the to the parish by 25p for every £1 you give as long as you give by Offertory Envelope or Standing Order and what you have paid in income or capital gains tax in the tax year (6 April to 5 April) is more than the amount we would claim back.

You can use this form to set up a Standing Order and/or make a Gift Aid Declaration.


• A Gift Aid Declaration must be made by an individual tax-payer.
• You must complete the tax year from which the declaration will start

If you have signed a Gift Aid declaration but no longer pay sufficient tax to cover the amount we would claim you must tell us. You can use the contact form for this.

Steve Bethell is the Planned Giving and Gift Aid organiser.