Welcome to the Family Room

‘There are many rooms in my Father’s house’. This is ‘The Family Room’. We hope you find plenty here to do together as a family. Welcome!

We encourage you to use this time to pray as a family by:

    • Praying for specific family and friends, and all key workers who are working so hard across the world at this time
    • Encouraging your children to consider something they can be grateful to God for each day,
    • Praying to our Guardian Angels (see prayer example attached)


Saint Peter and Saint Paul – 30 June – Praying for our Pope

Why is this our Family Room activity today? Today we are celebrating the feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. Saint Paul was an apostle (even though he didn’t meet Jesus while He was alive), and helped to spread the word of Jesus during the early days of the church. Saint Peter was one of the twelve apostles, and was also the first Pope of the Catholic Church. And so this week we want our Family Room activity to be about praying for Pope Francis, who is our current Pope.

Why is praying for the Pope important? When Jesus made Saint Peter the first Pope, He asked him to “feed my sheep”. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and we – everyone in the world – are His sheep. Jesus was asking Saint Peter to feed His people spiritually, by guiding them and caring for their souls. This is a really big and important job, and often it can be a difficult one.

So we pray for Pope Francis – who is our current Pope – to ask God to watch over him, and to help him with the very important work that he has to do in caring for all of us. Pope Francis is 87 years old, and he has been in hospital several times in the past few years, so we also pray for his health.

What can we do as a family? You can learn more about Pope Francis by watching this children’s video of his life. Parents, you might also like to have a conversation about the Pope and the role that he plays in the Catholic Church.

What we can all do is pray! We have written this prayer for our families to pray for Pope Francis together.

Activity Archive

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