Parish News – 13 October

Pastoral Letter on Assisted Suicide 12/13 October 2024 from Archbishop Vincent Nichols

This Wednesday, 16 October 2024, a bill will be introduced to Parliament proposing a change in the law to permit assisted suicide. The debate will continue for a number of months, in society and in Parliament, before a definitive vote is held there. This puts in the spotlight crucial questions about the dignity of human life and the care and protection afforded by our society to every human being. As this debate unfolds we hope that you will take part  whenever and wherever you can, and that you will write to your Member of Parliament. And pray. Please listen to the Cardinal’s letter and discuss and pray about it. The charity ‘Right to Life’ has a simple online mechanism to write to your MP. It takes little more than a few minutes to input your postcode, make sure the suggested text suits your viewpoint and submit your message to ask your MP to stop assisted suicide being rushed into law.

Prisoners’ Sunday

Prisoners’ Sunday is this Sunday, October 13, and marks the start of Prisons Week. Our prisons are in crisis. There are record numbers of people behind bars. Inspectors regularly report instances of vermin, violence, self-harm and people languishing in cells with nothing to do. At the same time, too many people are released with no home, no job, no family and no hope. Prisoners’ Sunday is a day to reflect on and pray for prisoners and their families. It is also an opportunity to consider how individuals, churches, and communities can serve those affected by imprisonment. The theme for Prisoners’ Sunday 2024 is “Today you will be with me in paradise”. Prisons Week is a time to raise awareness and generate prayer for those affected by prisons. It also motivates volunteers to give their time and gifts to help those in prisons and their communities. Find out more here.

CAFOD Harvest Family Fast Day Collection

Thank you for your donations last weekend which raised over £900 for the work of CAFOD. You can still hand in CAFOD envelopes, give online or scan the QR code. If you can, please Gift Aid your donation. Thank you.

World Mission Sunday

World Mission Sunday is next Sunday, October 20, our opportunity in the retiring collection to support Missio, the Pope’s charity for World Mission. Our prayers and contributions help build churches, train clergy, and provide essential services to those in need. There are donation envelopes in church for next weekend so you can Gift Aid what you give or you can give online. If you have a Missio Red Box at home please bring it (labelled with your name) to the Sacristy to be emptied and added to the collection.


Sunday Masses are at 6:30pm (Saturday), 9:45am,  11:15am and 7pm.
Sunday Scripture readings
Notes on the Scripture readings
Normal Weekday Mass times (unless there is a funeral) are 9am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday after Morning Prayer at 8:45am.
Continue reading Parish News – 13 October

Scripture notes – 29th Sunday of the Year, B – 20th October 2024

There is a sombre tone to the three readings today, as they all reflect in different ways on the meaning of Christ’s death as a healing sacrifice, ‘insofar as it can be understood at all by us,’ as CEB Cranfield says. Continue reading Scripture notes – 29th Sunday of the Year, B – 20th October 2024

Scripture notes – 28th Sunday of the Year, B – 13th October 2024

Current book lists are full of ‘how to’ books on almost any imaginable subject, but I see nothing that is like the ‘Wisdom’ books popular in the world of the Bible. In fact, in an era concerned with data, the latest fads and style, and ‘influencers’, I am not sure wisdom is much valued or sought.
Continue reading Scripture notes – 28th Sunday of the Year, B – 13th October 2024

Parish News – 6 October

A day of prayer for peace on Monday, 7 October

Cardinal Vincent Nichols, President of the Bishops’ Conference, has affirmed Pope Francis’ and the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem’s call for a day of prayer for peace to be held on Monday, 7 October, the first anniversary of the Hamas attacks in Israel, in response to an escalation of the conflict in the Holy Land. In response to the developing situation, Pope Francis and Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, have invited us to mark 7 October, as a day of prayer, penance and fasting for peace in the Holy Land. He speaks of the ‘need to pray, to bring our pain and our desire for peace to God. We need to convert, to do penance, and to implore forgiveness.’”

CAFOD Harvest Family Fast Day Collection

Daniel, a young man in Democratic Republic of the Congo, is carving a better future for his family with carpentry skills he learned in a CAFOD-funded training centre. Give to CAFOD and you’ll fund training, tools, equipment and safe spaces so more people like Daniel can learn new skills and fulfil their God-given potential. Please be generous in giving to today’s retiring collection; give online or by scanning the QR code. If you can, please Gift Aid your donation. Thank you. Continue reading Parish News – 6 October

Scripture notes – 27th Sunday of the Year, B – 6th October 2024

It would be hard to find readings much more out of step with the current views on sexual relations, divorce and family life, as seen all over the media. But it in many ways it has always been a challenge to live as a follower of Christ. There is enough in scriptures to show that we are in a long tradition not only of problems to be faced, but more important – promises of God’s loving help in every situation.
Continue reading Scripture notes – 27th Sunday of the Year, B – 6th October 2024

Parish News – 29 September

From Fr David – Update on Fundraising and Stewardship Campaign

In June of this year we started a fundraising and stewardship campaign to look at the current and future needs of the parish, looking at both the financial needs of the parish and seeking to increase the number of volunteers who are able to give of their time and talents to help in the day-to-day running of the parish. In the coming months, a number of key people who have served the parish for many years in critical roles will retire, and it is urgent and critical that we find volunteers to replace them! Fr David will speak about this in the coming weeks, please listen and be generous in responding to this appeal. Continue reading Parish News – 29 September

Parish News – 22 September

Mission Appeal – Thank You!

Last Sunday you gave almost £1,000 in the retiring collection for the Columban Missionaries. Thank you for your generosity.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

St Peter’s and St Gildas’ School are holding a Macmillan coffee morning on Friday 27th September from 9-10:30am at St Gildas’ School, Oakington Way. Please join us and you will be helping this amazing charity to provide support and care to people living with cancer. If you are able to donate a cake that would be wonderful, either bring it along on Friday or drop it off at school on Thursday. We look forward to welcoming you to our parish school, now on one site. Continue reading Parish News – 22 September